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October is the official POTS Awareness Month...But please Spread Awareness all year long!  #MakeNoiseForTurquoise!

In Milwaukee a friend helped us to design a digital billboard to run along I-94 and on a few street level signs.  Meghan was a model and two others we have met in our area.  Don't the girls look great!!


We also organized an a get together for POTS & Dysautonomia Patients at Rock Bottom Brewery along the river. Afterwards  we headed to the Domes that were lit turquoise for October Dysautonomia Awareness month!  Watch for details for next year's event.  Check out  It directs those looking for answers to Dysautonomia International's website and where to donate immediately!

Domes Gathering & Lighting October 2017

Domes Gathering & Lighting October 2016

Domes Gathering & Lighting October 2015

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